Thursday, November 6, 2014

01. Highly Recommended Documentary Films

By Richard Jannaccio on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 9:54pm

Recommended Documentaries on YouTube

1.  "House Of Numbers"
The entire "House Of Numbers" film is well worth watching and covers a wide variety of issues, including does HIV exist? does HIV cause AIDS? the changing definition of AIDS, the various tests, the various pharmaceutical "treatments," AIDS in Africa, and more.

Find it here:

2.  Gary Null --AIDS Truth 2013
This documentary by Gary Null is more up to date and includes the current practice to push drugs even on HIV-negative people to "prevent" HIV infection. Learn why HIV doesn't cause AIDS and how the theory that it does got hatched ... a description of the health-destructive "fast-track" drug-reliant gay subculture that claimed the early casualties ... and much, much more. Celia Farber and Professor Peter Duesberg are among those interviewed. Highly recommended.

3.  "The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS"
This is an older, more historical documentary,

4.  "The Emperor's New Virus?"
The Documentary "The Emperor's New Virus?" is a sequel to "House of Numbers" and focuses on the issue of the existence of HIV. After 30 years, HIV has not even been purified, therefore no purified HIV has been seen in an electron microscope or shown to be infectious.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

20. What does the "Ebola Crisis" tell us about the "HIV Crisis"?

By Richard Jannaccio

19. "World AIDS Day" Promotes The Wrong Agenda

There is no virus that has been proven to cause AIDS. 
Nor is a test result from the HIV/AIDS Industry a valid diagnosis. 
Therefore the number of so-called "positive" people who are actually sick is only a fraction of the statistics that are quoted.  
However, The HIV/AIDS Industry itself will add to the casualties. Because whether healthy or unhealthy, "positive" people who are given the approved pharmaceutical drugs will get sick and die from the effects of these poisons. 
At the same time, treatment that could benefit those who are really sick, or who need to heal or strengthen their immune systems, is not provided so their health is likely to continue to decline and perhaps eventually contribute to an untimely death. 
Why is the wrong approach being marketed as the only approach, using fear to coerce people to take their poison religiously? Because an effective preventive and natural therapeutic approach does not come in the form of an outrageously expensive patentable drug that will generate billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical industry and millions for those on its bandwagon.

Moreover, profits are maximized by long-term therapy which translates into long-term income. Unless and until a long-term patentable treatment is found that puts clients on a long road to recovery, the ones that put people on the long winding road to death will have to suffice.

Until we open our eyes, abandon what is not working, abandon what is scientifically unsupportable, historically suspect, and effectively debunked by both science and history, people worldwide will continue to die for a lie that is kept alive by those who profit from it.
People with a variety of diseases, including some infections, cancers, and deaths are counted as AIDS statistics only because of the false diagnoses made using the non-validated, so-called "HIV antibody test."  Some have no illness at all, but will be falsely diagnosed as being "HIV-infected" and even having "AIDS." Those who are ill will not recover by swallowing poison.
As for "World AIDS Day," unfortunately it is used as a propaganda campaign by the HIV/AIDS Industry to get more funding for the wrong system with the wrong incentives and the wrong approaches. World AIDS Day is used to get more people to submit to the invalid "test," which will result in invalid diagnoses, label us with a "status" that carries unproven claims and implications, and lead some of us down the path to chronic poisoning and death by prescription.

Copyright 2014 By Richard Jannaccio

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Is AIDS sexually transmitted?

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18. Condoms: Yes or No? -- Uses, Misuses, Benefits and Risks

There is no conclusive proof that "HIV" exists or causes any Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) or other disease. Therefore, there is no justification for using condoms to prevent infection with a virus that has not been purified, proven to exist, or proven to be pathogenic after 30 years. However, other STDs have been proven to be caused by various sexually transmitted microbes.

Condoms are one method used to protect against transmission of STD microbes during sexual intercourse, by providing a physical barrier. However, there are problems and even risks that at least for some people may make condoms increase rather than decrease risk of infection. 

If, for example, someone is allergic to the latex used in most condoms, or to the lube on its surface or to the spermicide that some contain, then the skin and mucous membranes can be irritated, break, and/or blister, damaging the body's own protective barrier. Moreover, there are reported cases of a small number of those allergic experiencing anaphylactic shock, which can be quickly fatal.

The condoms themselves can have tiny invisible or even visible holes or tears, through which even tinier microbes can pass. This suggests that using two condoms may provide a better protective barrier. 

It seems that abstinence and condoms are the only two ways to prevent STD transmission that we hear about, but there are other ways to reduce the risk of STDs:

1. Stay healthy and keep your immune system healthy. Eat well, exercise, sleep well, drink lots of water (hydrate),  and avoid:  drugs, alcohol, smoke, exposure to toxic chemicals, etc. A robust immune system functions to prevent and stop any infection. It has many more benefits, and poses zero risks.

2. Avoid sex when either partner has a rash, broken skin, or open sores. When these natural barriers are broken, infectious microbes can gain entry.

3. If you choose to use condoms as well, cut down on the risk by avoiding spermicide, synthetic chemical lubes, and, if possible use safer alternatives to latex, the most common material used to manufacture condoms (because it is cheaper not because it is healthier). Alternative materials used to manufacture condoms include polyurethane (another synthetic polymer) and lambskin. Lambskin has pores large enough to allow significant numbers of microbes through, but block larger sperm. Hence, lambskin condoms are recommended only for preventing pregnancy, and not for preventing STDs. Immediately afterwards, be sure to flush with water any body surfaces that come into contact with condoms.

Whether or not to use condoms is a choice for sex partners to make together with knowledge of their risks and benefits.

17. Beware of the False Prophets from Big Pharma

We should be always watchful to detect repeated assertions, fear mongering, an failure to provide verifiable facts by those who work for the interests of Big Pharma, directly or indirectly, or have been indoctrinated and are spreading the disease of fraud.

They are trained by having information fed into them, to accept such information without evidence or challenge, and to preach to the masses, using whatever tactics are necessary to spread misinformation and to coerce compliance with their program, which includes testing, testing, and more testing, dire prognoses, and finally threats that you will die unless you take their poison for the rest of your life.

THAT NONSENSE SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED. We wish to escape from these cruel attempts to indoctrinate us with profit-driven misinformation.

Assertions without evidence are not the ingredients for a legitimate discussion leading to a supportable conclusion. We've looked at the evidence, and that's been done. So those who support the dogma should produce new compelling evidence or be silent. No ominous threats, no fear mongering, no appeals to "believe" something based on who else believes it. They must give us convincing evidence. Give us proof for their 30 years of unproven claims.

The strategy of the HIV/AIDS Industry is to assert, using fear and or by citing authority figures in place of verifiable facts. That appears to be the full extent of their capability to defend the indefensible.  Close scrutiny of research and epidemiological data in the context of 30 years of history reveals the fraud over and over and over again.

No provable facts to support the dogma have been offered or been discovered or surfaced in more than 30 years.







13. *


Saturday, November 1, 2014



11. Interpreting The Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS*

Coming soon.

10. How is HIV and/or AIDS transmitted? Is HIV and/or AIDS sexually transmitted? The Padian Study & More*

In fact, there is no proof that HIV exists, so how can there be proof that it is transmitted? Impossible. And, yes, that means impossible for all people -- heterosexuals, homosexuals, babies, and even non-human extra-terrestrial beings. If HIV can't be proven to exist, how can they prove that anyone or any being can transmit "it" to anyone or any other being, by any means, and where is the proof that so-called "HIV" causes AIDS, or that AIDS is contagious? There is no proof for any of this profit-driven propaganda masquerading as "science." If, for example, two people have sex with each other, and both get sick after drinking dirty water, do we immediately conclude that they got sick form having sex? Or from drinking dirty water? How do we find out what really caused the illnesses? Here's how: Analyze the water and semen, test the ability of each to cause the observed disease, and then see if the results show that it was something found in the drinking water or in the semen that made both partners sick. To determine the truth, remember that valid evidence is more powerful than a guess, and when there are several possibilities, the weight of the such evidence points to which possibility is likely to be the truth.

AIDS does not appear to be sexually transmitted: David Rasnick, 

Padian Study:

09. Oxidative Stress Theory: Oxidative Stress Causes AIDS -- REFERENCES

By Richard Jannaccio on Saturday, August 9, 2014 at 3:55am

08. Environmental Factors Known To Cause Immune Suppression (Immunodeficiency)

By Richard Jannaccio on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 9:51pm


An environmental factor is anything that originates outside your body but can get inside your body. it can get into your body by inhaling it, eating or drinking it, or absorbed after skin contact.In that sense, many of the other categories, such as drugs, chemicals, etc. are environmental factors. Others are not in any of the other categories.

Here are some examples:
Cigarette smoke - firsthand and secondhand

Alcohol - usually consumed as an alcoholic beverage: beer, wine, and various "hard liquors"

Lack of Skin exposure to Sunlight -Vitamin D deficiency

Radiation - X-Rays, Microwaves, Radioactive pollutants from nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons. nuclear medicine, and nuclear waste, Radon in soil seeping into homes and other buildings.

Many organic chemicals, including petrochemicals, benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzo(a)pyrene (found on barbecued food), PCBs, Dioxan, pesticides, auto exhaust, diesel exhaust. And of course drugs. These and more were covered separately.

Heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, and cadmium.

 The environment of the southern hemisphere of Planet Earth is generally in much better shape than its northern counterpart, and surely that gap widened after the massive nuclear fallout from Fukushima, and Chernobyl before that. Moreover, the wars of the US imperialist plutocracy are fought mostly in the northern hemisphere, and the pollution from US/NATO military operations is of epic proportions.

Copyright 2014 By Richard Jannaccio From: HIV & AIDS Alternatives

07. If HIV Does Not Cause Immunodeficiency, What Does?

By Richard Jannaccio on Monday, October 6, 2014 at 1:44am



01. DRUGS.
All drugs are toxins and have adverse effects. Because the cells of the immune system are among the body's most actively dividing, they are for that reason extremely vulnerable to drugs and other toxins.
A. PRESCRIPTION DRUGS example: Anti-Retro-Viral Drugs (ARVs)
B. OVER-THE-COUNTER (NON-PRESCRIPTION) DRUGS example: Antihistamines (allergy pills, sleeping pills)
C. RECREATIONAL DRUGS example: Amyl nitrite ("poppers," "rush").
Although not every drug is known to be capable of damaging the immune system, the many that do include prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and recreational drugs. Some antibiotics, such as Bactrim, which are supposed to work with the immune system to fight infections, actually damage the immune system. Over-the-counter drugs are not necessarily safer than prescription drugs. Some drug types are found in more than one category. For example, steroids.
Drugs can have numerous toxic effects on immunity. The production of the immune cells starts in the bone marrow. So if you see listed as an adverse effect "bone marrow depression," that's going to damage your immune system. Let's see how many drugs are on this list:
If the adverse effects include "leukopenia" that means it causes damage resulting in a decrease of white blood cells. Here's that list:
Lymphocytes are a subset of white blood cells (which include CD4+ and others), and if they are adversely affected by a drug, the adverse reaction is called "Lymphopenia," which means there is a drop in the overall Lymphocyte count.
It is wise to research the adverse effect of any drug before taking it. If you do this, you will probably take few if any drugs.Why? Because drugs do not cure disease. They suppress symptoms, and they create disease.
To learn about a specific prescription drug, go where the physicians are supposed to go:

 Asbestos, benzene, trichloroethylene, styrene (component of styrofoam), crystalline silica, diesel exhaust, welding fumes, entire classes of compounds, such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons which include polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and dioxins (TCDD), are some of the many chemicals and chemical mixtures that can lead to immunosuppression in humans who are exposed to them. Many of these are also known to cause cancer.…/explanation.tcl……/b…/10029/6693/1/veraldi.pdf…/ha…/wastemin/minimize/factshts/pahs.pdf
In general, exposure to petrochemicals and combustion products of petrochemicals should be avoided. Silica and asbestos are mineral particles. Avoiding exposure means no not inhale, drink, eat, or have skin contact. These are the ways that toxins can enter your body.
The immunological effects of pesticides as a group are more complicated. Some pesticides impair normal immune system function by lowering white blood cell counts, while others act in a different way, by causing allergies or autoimmune diseases.…/pesticides/pesticides.htm…/f…/pdf/pesticidesandimmunesystem_bw.pdf

Malnutrition is the primary cause of immunodeficiency worldwide, and nowhere has this been found to more true than among Sub-Saharan African nations.
The immune system constantly is producing new cells and new cell products to protect and defend the body against disease, and nutrition provides the raw materials needed to carry out these processes. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that malnutrition is immunosuppressive and severe malnutrition is severely immunosuppressive.

Sub-Saharan AFRICA: Scientists, health care providers, journalists and others who have observed so-called "AIDS" in Sub-Saharan Africa have concluded that malnutrition, along with unsafe water supplies and unsanitary conditions, is a major cause of many health problems.
Malnutrition itself can be misdiagnosed as HIV/AIDS. Moreover, various infections that are more prevalent and more severe in those suffering from malnutrition are also being misdiagnosed as HIV/AIDS. When the antibody tests are used, the criteria to qualify for a "positive" result is LOWER in many African countries than elsewhere in the world. In addition, the test is known to register a "positive" result for people with a variety of infections that are common in Africa and have nothing to do with the elusive "HIV."
Therefore, more people on the African continent qualify for a "positive" diagnosis. Receiving a toxic treatment for a misdiagnosed disease is the result, and, needless to say, this is not a pathway to good health.

Although the misdiagnoses are believed to occur most often in Africa, they can happen anywhere, and malnutrition also affects people everywhere, especially but not only poor people. Malnutrition can result from not enough food, or from a diet of poor quality food that, whether it tastes good or not, lacks a balance of essential nutrients.
Infants and young children are most at risk, and the immune system in humans is still developing after birth, especially during the first 18 months, so some damage occurring in the womb and very early in life may be permanent. In that regard, breastfeeding by a well fed mother is the best health insurance for your child's future.…/Nutrition,%20immunity%20and%20the%2……/introduction/background/…/s1.html

Transfusions of blood from other donors have been associated with immunosuppression, and sometimes immunoaugmentation, the combined possibilities being referred to as immuno-modulation. Transfusion-Related Immuno-Modulation = TRIM. The research on TRIM leaves much to be desired.But an Allogeneic (or allogenic) transfusion of whole blood involves putting the cells, proteins and other biochemicals, as well as any undetected microbes, from one person's body into another genetically different person's body, so there's a whole list of problems that can arise from any of the foreign blood components. However, when it comes to TRIM, the culprit appears to be the prime suspects, the foreign white blood cells.Two ways to avoid such problems: 1) do not consent to a transfusion unless necessary; 2) for nonemergency surgery, make prior arrangements to donate you own blood to be stored in case you need it. After the donated blood has been replaced by new blood produced by your bone marrow, you can have the surgery. If blood from another donor must be used, it has been reported in the scientific literature that the risk of TRIM can be reduced by removing some of the white blood cells from the donated blood prior to transfusion.Regarding Clotting Factor VIII administered to hemophiliacs, Peter Duesberg has published a paper showing that foreign protein contaminants in Clotting Factor VIII, rather than HIV, are causing immunodeficiency.…/Transfusion-related_immunosuppressio…

An environmental factor is anything that originates outside your body but can get inside your body. it can get into your body by inhaling it, eating or drinking it, or absorbed after skin contact.In that sense, many of the other categories, such as drugs, chemicals, etc. are environmental factors. Others are not in any of the other categories.
Here are some examples:
Cigarette smoke - firsthand and secondhand…/abs/10.3109/10408449009089870
Alcohol - usually consumed as an alcoholic beverage: beer, wine, and various "hard liquors"…/four-factors-that-sabotage-a-healthy-i…
Lack of Skin exposure to Sunlight -Vitamin D deficiency…/four-factors-that-sabotage-a-healthy-i…

Radiation - X-Rays, Microwaves, Radioactive pollutants from nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons. nuclear medicine, and nuclear waste, Radon in soil seeping into homes and other buildings.…/skeptoid…/episodes/4080…/09-81160_Report_Annex_D_2006_Web.p…

Many organic chemicals, including petrochemicals, benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzo(a)pyrene (found on barbecued food), PCBs, Dioxan, pesticides, auto exhaust, diesel exhaust. And of course drugs. These and more were covered separately.…/L…/4TX_Sal/Albers_2003_Hydrocarbons.pdf…/environmental-pollutants-and-the-immun…
Heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, and cadmium.…/Environmental%20Contam…

10 Lifestyle Factors That Affect Immunity Adversely:1) Poor diet, poor eating habits, inadequate pure drinking water; 2) Poor sleep habits, too little or poor quality sleep; 3) Inadequate or improper activity /mobility/too little or too much exercise; failure to be physically fit; 4) Toxic habits: smoking, coffee, alcohol, sugar, salt, junk food cravings, drugs; 5) Too much time spent indoors; 6) Stressful situations; 7) Unhappy social life/ toxic relationships 8) No humor or laughter; 9) Spending time in a toxic environment; 10) Not enough enjoyable sex (we save the best for last!)…/Change-lifestyle-boost-immune-……/how-to-boost-your-immune-sy……/immunity.html…/new_research_suggests_s……/18/11-sex-health-benefits.aspx

The state of our emotional health, emotional stress, and our nervous system's organic health are known to have a strong influence on the health of our immune system. Such associations were noted more than 150 years ago.In more recent decades this interaction has evolved into its own field of study. It is called psychoneuroimmunology.
There are many people who are perfectly healthy. As soon as they are told by their grim-faced doctor that they are HIV+, their health starts to deteriorate. Stress, depression, anxiety, worry -- can do that. Are doctors unaware of this? Why do they treat their patients in a way to CREATE disease?What is the cause of AIDS in such cases? Is it HIV? Or is it Dr. X?If the HIV+ result doesn't do it, they'll try again with a "low CD4" and "high viral load" and "you need to take ARVs, but it won't cure you,and you will have to take them for the rest of your life."In such cases, the cure is obvious. Fire your doctor, shrug off any fear, and laugh at the incompetence that was masquerading as health care.Then go and have a good time! If you feel healthy, you are healthy. If you're feeling down and out, leave the trap of gloom and go find happiness.If your mental state has already caused physical illness, whether it be immunodeficiency or something else, you may need to do more than improve your emotional health to get regain your physical health.Don't underestimate pychoneuroimmunology. It is real. It can be your worst enemy or your best and strongest friend.

OXIDATIVE STRESS & YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM (Introduction)We have discussed the real factors that are known to cause immunodeficiency: drugs; other chemical toxins; malnutrition; blood transfusions; radiation and other environmental factors; lifestyle factors such as smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, too little or too much exercise; and psychological effects that can harm the body, such as mental depression, anxiety and stress.Many of these overlap, but is there a common denominator? The answer is "yes."ALL of these produce the same type of general effect at the cellular level. It is a very destructive chemical effect called "oxidative stress."Therefore it appears that oxidative stress, in all of its various forms, is the real culprit, not the virus that has never been proven to exist.We will be going into some detail on this, because it is the key to restoring and maintaining good health.Then we will look at solutions. Some of these we have already talked about. As it turns out, the natural remedies such as umlingo juice as just one example, contain antioxidants and therefore help to reduce oxidative stress.ARVs and many other drugs do just the opposite, producing oxidative stress, resulting in detrimental changes in physiology, killing your cells, and eventually, you.Which to choose? Not a difficult choice once you know the facts,But if you've been on the wrong path for a long time, the journey back may have its challenges. Yet many have successfully met those challenges, cleared the hurdles, and succeeded.The choice is yours.
*************************************************A partial list of references:…/Oxidative%20stress%20causes……/linking-oxidative-stress-with-……/articles/P…/pdf/v089p0F408.pdf

 Copyright 2014 By Richard Jannaccio From: HIV & AIDS Alternatives