There is no virus that has been proven to cause AIDS.
Nor is a test result from the HIV/AIDS Industry a valid diagnosis.
Therefore the number of so-called "positive" people who are actually sick is only a fraction of the statistics that are quoted.
However, The HIV/AIDS Industry itself will add to the casualties. Because whether healthy or unhealthy, "positive" people who are given the approved pharmaceutical drugs will get sick and die from the effects of these poisons.
At the same time, treatment that could benefit those who are really sick, or who need to heal or strengthen their immune systems, is not provided so their health is likely to continue to decline and perhaps eventually contribute to an untimely death.
Why is the wrong approach being marketed as the only approach, using fear to coerce people to take their poison religiously? Because an effective preventive and natural therapeutic approach does not come in the form of an outrageously expensive patentable drug that will generate billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical industry and millions for those on its bandwagon.
Moreover, profits are maximized by long-term therapy which translates into long-term income. Unless and until a long-term patentable treatment is found that puts clients on a long road to recovery, the ones that put people on the long winding road to death will have to suffice.
Moreover, profits are maximized by long-term therapy which translates into long-term income. Unless and until a long-term patentable treatment is found that puts clients on a long road to recovery, the ones that put people on the long winding road to death will have to suffice.
Until we open our eyes, abandon what is not working, abandon what is scientifically unsupportable, historically suspect, and effectively debunked by both science and history, people worldwide will continue to die for a lie that is kept alive by those who profit from it.
People with a variety of diseases, including some infections, cancers, and deaths are counted as AIDS statistics only because of the false diagnoses made using the non-validated, so-called "HIV antibody test." Some have no illness at all, but will be falsely diagnosed as being "HIV-infected" and even having "AIDS." Those who are ill will not recover by swallowing poison.
As for "World AIDS Day," unfortunately it is used as a propaganda campaign by the HIV/AIDS Industry to get more funding for the wrong system with the wrong incentives and the wrong approaches. World AIDS Day is used to get more people to submit to the invalid "test," which will result in invalid diagnoses, label us with a "status" that carries unproven claims and implications, and lead some of us down the path to chronic poisoning and death by prescription.
Copyright 2014 By Richard Jannaccio
Copyright 2014 By Richard Jannaccio
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