Can a diagnosis be inaccurate? Yes.
Can a diagnosis be based on a test that is not proven to be valid for making such a diagnosis? Yes.
That is the case with HIV/ADS. So if you tell me that you "tested positive," does that mean that you tested positive for "HIV"? No. That it mean that you are infected with HIV? No. That is what you are led to believe, but it is not true.
If someone tests "positive" it means they had reactive antibodies to the protein used in the test. This protein is ASSUMED but NOT PROVEN to come from a hypothetical "virus" that has never been purified, never proven to cause any disease, and in fact never proven to exist as defined, but nevertheless this imaginary virus has a name and it's called HIV. Now HIV stands for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus" but the virus was named without first proving that it deserved such a name! Because there exists no virus that has been proven to cause immunodeficiency whose characteristics match those of what is called AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Be smart. Don't let it fool you.
Even if : 1) HIV someday was proven to exist, and then
2) HIV was proven to cause AIDS, and then
3) the proteins used in the "HIV test" were PROVEN to come from "HIV" and be unique to HIV, STILL THEN the test would prove only that you had antibodies and were exposed to HIV, but it STILL WOULD NOT PROVE that you have an ACTIVE infection to anything!
A test that has been validated by the three criteria just mentioned does not exist today, but if it did, a positive result would indicate only that your body made antibodies to this foreign invader, such as a virus, and that these antibodies most likely destroyed that virus. Antibodies are not a sign of active infection; antibodies are a sign of your body's conquest of an infection.
If you understand this, based on classic immunology, you will understand how very distant a "positive" test result is from the resulting highly speculative "diagnosis" of so-called "HIV" infection that doctors announce to their patients today and that generates billions in profits at the expense of people's health and survival.
After 30 years, the claim of "HIV+" can be supported only by fake science that contradicts valid science. Don't take my word for it. Study basic microbiology, basic immunology, and the history of HIV/AIDS research.
Read all of the entries in our continually developing blog, which is far from complete.
Richard Jannaccio May 4, 2015. Copyright by RICHARD JANNACCIO
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