Tuesday, December 30, 2014

30. Summary of Findings: Medical Tests of the HIV/AIDS Industry

 Summary of Findings: Medical Tests of the HIV/AIDS Industry

After close inspection and analysis of the scientific research, it can be concluded that:

1. The ELISA antibody test, aka "HIV test" or "AIDS test," absolutely does not test for HIV or AIDS. Therefore, a "positive" result does NOT mean that you are infected with HIV or that you have or will get AIDS. Nevertheless, if you test positive on two tests you will be falsely labeled "HIV+" for the rest of your life. There are, however, 106 different conditions, both infectious and noninfectious, that can produce a "positive" test result. The nonspecificity of the test makes it useless for any diagnostic purpose unless and until validated otherwise.

2. The Western Blot test is just another, more highly decorated, antibody test, and therefore it is incapable of confirming another antibody test. unless at least one of the two tests has been proven to be valid, which is not the case.

3. Viral load is a total misnomer and fraud. The number you are told is a "viral load" is the number of nucleic acid molecules that are copied in the laboratory, not what is in the original blood sample taken from you. These nucleic acid molecules, assumed and asserted to be from HIV, are actually of undetermined origin, Their ability to multiply or not multiply in labware is of unestablished significance and is highly influenced by the laboratory conditions. Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR technique commonly used to measure viral load, has said that the test is inappropriate for such use. The test was developed to copy genetic material, and cannot be accurately used to count molecules, much less molecules of undetermined origin, and even more much less to fool people into believing that such numbers of molecules are present in their blood.

4. CD4 counts are done in a way to validate and advance the Industry's agenda, although they could have been, and should be, developed to provide valuable health information for those whose immune systems are really deficient. A legitimate evaluation would include CD8 and the various CD4+ subtypes. It should be available to all, especially to those with clinical symptoms of immune system damage/ insufficiency/ impairment/  deficiency/ suppression/ depression/ failure. Complete blood cell counts are available to all people, but the existing defective, selective, and bogus CD4+ counts are given only to those who have previously tested positive with the useless antibody tests. It is time to focus on real science, to get answers and acquire more knowledge so that valid tests will be used appropriately and will be interpreted correctly to benefit those with immune deficiencies.


Having previously shown that HIV has not been proven to exist, much less cause AIDS or any other disease, it is hardly surprising to find that, despite claims to the contrary, there is also no valid test to diagnose an "HIV infection," and no valid test to evaluate the severity and/or progression and/or recession of the unproven "infection."


Copyright 2014     By Richard Jannaccio

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