CD4 Part 4 of 4: CD4 Research & Analysis
Research & Analysis of CD4 and CD4 "Counts"
Blood cell counts have been recorded long before HIV/AIDS, under the assumption that if red blood cells (RBCs) were in the "normal" range, you were not suffering from anemia and your body's cells were getting enough oxygen. Likewise, "normal" amounts of various white blood cells (WBCs) meant that your immune system was healthy, and that you did not have leukemia, for example.
One of these white blood cells, T helper CD4+ Lymphocytes, or CD4 cells for short, is hypothesized to be infected and destroyed by "HIV," an alleged retrovirus. According to this theory, the destruction of CD4 cells causes Acquired Immune Deficieny Syndrome, AIDS. AIDS is seen as a drop in CD4 "count."
Furthermore, they say, if a person with HIV/AIDS is treated with Anti-RetroViral Drugs (ARVs), also called Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART), then the CD4 "count' will start to go back up, because the drugs are killing the virus that was killing the CD4 cells.
So the purpose of the CD4 count is to validate the HIV/AIDS theory and its corollaries. Therefore, it is conducted with that goal in mind, and there seems to be no concern for investigating and diagnosing what is really going on.
Let's do what most physicians are not doing. Let's look at the research.
The first link is to a report published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy entitled, "Non-HIV AIDS: nature and strategies for its management." It is reported that "a cluster of reports of severe opportunistic infections occurring in patients without evidence of HIV infection do not appear to represent a new disease entity or present evidence of epidemiologically associated cases suggesting an infectious agent." In other words, you can have a "cluster" of people developing opportunistic infections for a variety of reasons, and neither HIV nor ANY infectious agent is necessary or suspected.
Remove the bias from the dogma, and the same could be said of those who test HIV-positive. People in a group, engaging in the same habits and/or exposed to the same environmental conditions can produce a "cluster" of immunodeficient individuals. Neither HIV nor any transmissible microbe is needed to achieve this. What this means is that we can have a situation where something looks to be contagious, that is, "transmissible," but people are not catching it from each other. They are getting it independently from the same source, such as eating the same junk food, breathing the same polluted air, or drinking the same contaminated water.
Also, research scientists reported that "a small group of asymptomatic subjects have been identified with constitutively low CD4 T cell populations which appear to have little or no clinical significance since these patients have no evidence of clinical immunodeficiency." In other words, they also found individuals who "normally" have low CD4 counts, but show NO evidence of immunodeficiency.
Therefore, based on this body of scientific research, the judgments that are being made based soley on the result of an antibody reaction with a protein of undetermined origin, are arguably NOT VALID.
Let's look at the next link, from the Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes:
In the very first sentence, we learn that when the CD4+ T cells ("helper cells") in HIV-positive people go down, the CD8+ T cells (killer cells) go ... up! Did anybody ever tell you that?
There is a balance of different cell types comprising the immune system, but sometimes that balance shifts. Maybe it shifts because it needs more cells of one type and/or fewer of another in order to carry out a needed function, or maybe it shifts in response to some other underlying problem that needs to be addressed, such as an accumulation of byproducts. But, the medical profession assumes that the solution is to give drugs that will restore the "numbers." If the numbers look right, all is better... or is it?
As much as the CD4+ go down, the CD8+ go up, so if you add the two together, the numbers stay about the same. Of course, the physicians are not trained ro don't do that. It wouldn't suit the industry's purpose. Theiir purpose is to show the ravages of HIV and the miracle action of ARV/ART.
The scheme is to not let you see the whole picture, but only part of the picture, so that THEY can fill in the blanks. But if we more of the whole picture, no longer can we be fooled.
"The basis and significance of this phenomenon are not known," the report states. This is where the research needs to be focused -- to get answers that will expand upon REAL research findings.
The report ends by saying that a so-called "drop" in T cell count could result from a drop only in the number of cells occupying the blood; in fact, the cells may have been merely "redistributed," with fewer cells in the blood and more in the tissues. Of course, this finding would not work well with the story that cell counts are dropping because of that killer virus, HIV.
"The most plausible explanation for the conservation of total blood T-cell numbers while subset ratios change is that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells compete for a limited access to the blood compartment. Such interaction between the subsets implies, in particular, that changes in the number of CD4+ T cells occurring in other tissues cannot be reliably inferred from those observed in the blood. We reiterate propositions made earlier (4) that much of the apparent 'depletion' of CD4+ lymphocytes during the asymptomatic phase of HIV infection may be attributed to redistribution between the tissues and the blood compartment."
The remaining links have to do with the work of Dr. Heimrich Kremer of Germany.
Dr. Heinrich Kremer: The CD4 subsets: Th1, Th2, etc.
More on the work of Dr. Kremer and others: Oxidative stress, "switching" or shift in Th1 to Th2, and more:
"The Cure for AIDS" based on the work of Dr. Heinrich Kremer:
More based on Kremer:
And the diagram - Kremer:
Dr. Kremer has proposed an alternative theory for the cause of "AIDS." He says AIDS is not caused by "HIV" or any other virus, but is the result of oxidative stress at the cellular level. When we talk about drugs and other toxic chemicals, malnutrition, and other known causes of immune system suppression, oxidative stress is a common denominator because all of these other causes have the effect of producing oxidative stress on the body. Antioxidants work to counter/relieve oxidative stress, but extreme oxidative stress can overwhelm their capacity to do so. This is a separate topic with some overlapping value in understanding what is really happening with CD4 cells when someone has acquired immune deficiency.
Kremer says that when the CD4+ count drops, it doesn't really drop. It's all about a shift between the subtypes. When your body is under oxidative stress, it doesn't want to produce more and add to the problem unless absolutely necessary. So it cuts back on its own metabolic functions that produce more oxidative stress and this includes the production of nitric oxide (NO). NO is produced by Th1 cells to kill viruses and other pathogens. Nevertheless, when your body is in oxidative stress, this important function is cut down. Th2 cells do not produce NO. So a shift occurs, whereby more Th2 and fewer Th1 cells are produced. The total CD4+ does not drop.
However, the calculated "CD4 count" goes down. Why? Because the CD4 count is based on CD4+ cells in the blood, and while Th1 cells circulate more in the blood, Th2 cells tend to stay mostly in the lymphatic tissues, according to Dr. Kremer. Therefore, they don't get "counted."
The apparent remedy would be to reduce oxidative stress so that the immune system can return to its optimal functioning state.
But in the world of the HIV dogma, that is not the solution. In that paradigm, toxins called Anti-RetroViral drugs are administered.
Do these drugs work? The drugs have not cured anyone. But after taking them, the CD4+ "count" often goes up. That's a good thing, no?
Not according to Dr. Kremer. Dr. Kremer saya that the toxic drugs make things worse. They increase oxidative stress to an even more extreme level, at which point the Th2 cells are released from the lymphatic system into the blood.
This is not a sign of improved health, but rather a sign of deteriorating health. The CD4+ count procedures do not distinguish between Th1 and Th2 and therefore do not detect the difference.
Instead you are given the "good news:" "Congratulations, your CD4 count is going up!"
What all of this means is that the CD4+ counting procedures are worse than useless. They are misleading. They could be improved to be more accurate and detect the Th1 and Th2 subtypes, as well as CD8+ cells, but that would not serve the interests of HIV/AIDS/ARV.
They want to show that the drugs are helping ... and then you die.
A number of scientists agree with Dr. Kremer's Oxidative Stress Theory, which shows a common mechanism for most, if not all, of the many factors that are known to adversely affect the immune system, including many drugs and other toxic chemicals. The very drugs that are prescribed to treat the alleged "HIV infection" cause oxidative stress, and therefore, far from curing any immunodeficiency, further damage the immune system and can actually cause AIDS and/or other immune system diseases in otherwise healthy individuals.
The Oxidative Stress Theory is compelling, and, unlike the HIV theory, it is grounded in real science. More research is needed, and this is where more of the research money SHOULD go.
Blood counts can be useful if done properly and interpreted properly. Unfortunately, it appears that neither is being done properly for people who test HIV+. Rather, these procedures and their interpretation appear to have been tailored to advance the HIV Theory, to terrorize people into swallowing poison, to fool people into believing that the poison is doing them well, and to confiscate billions in resources and millions in lives using what is perhaps the Deadliest Deception Ever Told.
Low CD4 count, yet healthy:
The so-called "depletion" of CD4+ cells may actually be redistribution
Dr. Heinrich Kremer: The CD4 subsets: Th1, Th2, etc.
More on the work of Dr. Kremer and others: Oxidative stress, "switching" or shift in Th1 to Th2, and more:
"The Cure for AIDS" based on the work of Dr. Heinrich Kremer:
More based on Kremer:
And the diagram - Kremer:
Copyright 2014 by Richard Jannaccio
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