Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Dr. Martin Feldman, MD, well known New York HIV dissident physician, dies

Dr. Martin Feldman, MD, a well known New York HIV dissident physician, apparently died late last year.

I found out when I tried to make an appointment for a friend of mine a few months ago. The answering service operator told me that Dr. Feldman had died and that his office had been closed, so apparently he died and no one is taking over his practice. There are others who commented on the internet that they too learned of Dr. Feldman's death only after trying to contact his office for an appointment. I hope that there is an explanation for this apparent secrecy, but I find it puzzling, if not troubling.I heard no notice of the death of this public figure. I have searched and searched, and even now, months later, I can find no published notice of his death on the internet, and no obituary. The apparent secrecy surrounding the death of this public figure concerns me, and I hope it will be explained at some point.

Many doctors know the truth about HIV/AIDS. They know that HIV has never been proven to exist, that it has never been proven to be transmissible or to cause any disease, and that the so-called "HIV tests" have never been validated and therefore are used inappropriately, if not fraudulently.

But they are afraid to challenge their controllers, The American Medical Association, and the Pharmaceutical companies that provide funding for just about everything that will advance their agenda and boost their bottom line, and pull the plug on anything and anyone who threatens their multi-billion dollar profits.

Dr. Feldman dared to speak the truth publicly. More doctors need to find the strength to follow his example. RIP.

Quotes by and about Dr. Martin Feldman, M.D. :

“[Gary] Null and co-author James Feast do us a service in giving voice to the point of view of AIDS dissidents such as Nobel laureates Drs. Mullis and Gilbert, as well as Professors Strohman and Rasnick, and the many others cited in the book [AIDS: A Second Opinion]. One has to wonder, why hasn’t their collective challenge to the ‘HIV equals AIDS equals death’ paradigm been given more publicity? These are credentialed people, and there certainly is, as this book shows, reasonableness to their claims.”
“I myself have had three patients with advanced AIDS and substantially debilitated health who then undertook various natural protocols and improved their overall immune function significantly. So why wouldn’t I want to explore alternative approaches to this condition? Why wouldn’t I want to review as many scientific references as possible that support these approaches? I am happy to have a book on hand that goes beyond the party line of those who run the war on AIDS, looks at alternative perspectives, and provides extensive documentation to support them.
“Furthermore, I plan to make this book required reading for all of the persons I counsel with AIDS-defining illnesses. And I would recommend it to every concerned and conscientious physician, nurse, and public health advocate in the country.”
Review of “Aids, A Second Opinion,” Amazon.com, June 18, 2002
— Dr. Martin Feldman, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Neurology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, graduate of Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, author of more than 50 articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals

"The current drugs on the market, primarily AZT, tend to severely weaken the immunity and make the body have to work harder to have immune strength. the body uses up its basic nutrients in the process. Really, the body is fighting against the AZT." --Martin Feldman, as quoted in the book, Get Healthy Now!: A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment and Healthy Living, by Gary Null. 
Selected Publications:
Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks
by Gary Null, PhD, and Martin Feldman, MD

Death by Medicine By Gary Null, Ph.D., PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD

Dr. Martin Feldman, M.D. and Gary Null on television in 1985, talking about cholesterol:

Monday, May 4, 2015

What does "HIV Positive" really mean?

Can a diagnosis be wrong? Yes.

Can a diagnosis be inaccurate? Yes.

Can a diagnosis be based on a test that is not proven to be valid for making such a diagnosis? Yes.

That is the case with HIV/ADS. So if you tell me that you "tested positive," does that mean that you tested positive for "HIV"? No. That it mean that you are infected with HIV? No. That is what you are led to believe, but it is not true.

If someone tests "positive" it means they had reactive antibodies to the protein used in the test. This protein is ASSUMED but NOT PROVEN to come from a hypothetical "virus" that has never been purified, never proven to cause any disease, and in fact never proven to exist as defined, but nevertheless this imaginary virus has a name and it's called HIV. Now HIV stands for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus" but the virus was named without first proving that it deserved such a name! Because there exists no virus that has been proven to cause immunodeficiency whose characteristics match those of what is called AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


Be smart. Don't let it fool you.

Even if : 1) HIV someday was proven to exist, and then
2) HIV was proven to cause AIDS, and then
3) the proteins used in the "HIV test" were PROVEN to come from "HIV" and be unique to HIV, STILL THEN the test would prove only that you had antibodies and were exposed to HIV, but it STILL WOULD NOT PROVE that you have an ACTIVE infection to anything!

A test that has been validated by the three criteria just mentioned does not exist today, but if it did, a positive result would indicate only that your body made antibodies to this foreign invader, such as a virus, and that these antibodies most likely destroyed that virus. Antibodies are not a sign of active infection; antibodies are a sign of your body's conquest of an infection.

If you understand this, based on classic immunology, you will understand how very distant a "positive" test result is from the resulting highly speculative "diagnosis" of so-called "HIV" infection that doctors announce to their patients today and that generates billions in profits at the expense of people's health and survival.

After 30 years, the claim of "HIV+" can be supported only by fake science that contradicts valid science. Don't take my word for it. Study basic microbiology, basic immunology, and the history of HIV/AIDS research.

Read all of the entries in our continually developing blog, which is far from complete.

Richard Jannaccio   May 4, 2015.   Copyright by RICHARD JANNACCIO

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What Is A Good Strategy For Discontinuing Use Of ARVs?

Strategies For Discontinuing ARVs

The HIV/AIDS industry is not interested in funding research on how to safely discontinue use of ARVs, because they want you to continue to use their toxic drugs for the rest of your life.

Therefore, in the absence of such research, the best we can do is to piece together facts and observations that have been made, develop an understanding of what happens when you stop using ARVs, and develop a strategy that is based on that knowledge.

Let's start by considering these four (4) facts:

1. Many people have stopped using ARVs abruptly, with no reported adverse effects. In the early years of the "epidemic," many patients who could no longer tolerate the drugs were told by their doctor to stop taking them, and took no medication until the next, newest drug was ready to be marketed. No reports were found of adverse reactions from stopping the drugs abruptly when it was necessary and ordered by a doctor. But if you decide to stop taking ARVs without the doctor's approval, then they say you are in great danger. What is this "great danger"? Will you get sick and die? Many have quit ARVs and appeasr to be healthier for having done so. If you demand only "real" effects, you will be told that if you discontinue ARVs, your CD4 count will go down and your "viral load" will go up. But many people are healthy despite test results that are deemed to be dire, without sufficient scientific grounding or proof to support the interpretation of such test results. Moreover, many have regained health after detoxifying and rebuilding by adhering to a healthy lifestyle.


2. Some people have developed life-threatening conditions after discontinuing use of ARVs. Those conditions may be due to the prior use of ARVs rather than due to withdrawal. Indeed, many people stop taking ARVs when they notice that they cannot tolerate any more damage to their health, but by then, the damage may be extensive and it may be too late, especially if they merely stop taking the drugs but do not also take strong measures to promote detoxification and healing.








3. ARVS damage the immune system and are associated with an immune system dysfunction known as Immune Reconstitution Syndrome. Discontinuing use of ARVs after these toxic drugs have weakened and altered the immune system and killed normal nonpathogenic microbes could leave you vulnerable. The solution is not to keep taking the ARVs, but rather to rebuild the immune system and use probiotics to replace the "good" bacteria.


4. The psychotropic effects of ARVs could produce serious central-nervous-system withdrawal symptoms (mental illness) if discontinued abruptly. This could have serious, even fatal consequences, such as suicide. Check the ingredients of ARVs. Efavirenz, or EFV, is the drug most often associated with psychiatric symptoms.




Given these facts, if I had been taking ARVs and wished to stop taking them, I would either:

1) attempt to quit ARVs "cold turkey" and resume taking them if any symptoms develop, and then reduce use gradually over several weeks, or

2)  just reduce gradually over a 4 to 8 week period without trying to quit abruptly.

In either case, I would fortify my body with nutrients, exercise, sufficient quality sleep and start a healthy lifestyle to help my body detoxify and heal the damage that was done by these toxic chemicals. These additional lifestyle changes include avoiding stress, drinking plenty of unpolluted/properly treated water, and avoiding all drugs, alcohol, and junk food.

                               *****  THANK YOU!! *****  1LOVE!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

30. Summary of Findings: Medical Tests of the HIV/AIDS Industry

 Summary of Findings: Medical Tests of the HIV/AIDS Industry

After close inspection and analysis of the scientific research, it can be concluded that:

1. The ELISA antibody test, aka "HIV test" or "AIDS test," absolutely does not test for HIV or AIDS. Therefore, a "positive" result does NOT mean that you are infected with HIV or that you have or will get AIDS. Nevertheless, if you test positive on two tests you will be falsely labeled "HIV+" for the rest of your life. There are, however, 106 different conditions, both infectious and noninfectious, that can produce a "positive" test result. The nonspecificity of the test makes it useless for any diagnostic purpose unless and until validated otherwise.

2. The Western Blot test is just another, more highly decorated, antibody test, and therefore it is incapable of confirming another antibody test. unless at least one of the two tests has been proven to be valid, which is not the case.

3. Viral load is a total misnomer and fraud. The number you are told is a "viral load" is the number of nucleic acid molecules that are copied in the laboratory, not what is in the original blood sample taken from you. These nucleic acid molecules, assumed and asserted to be from HIV, are actually of undetermined origin, Their ability to multiply or not multiply in labware is of unestablished significance and is highly influenced by the laboratory conditions. Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR technique commonly used to measure viral load, has said that the test is inappropriate for such use. The test was developed to copy genetic material, and cannot be accurately used to count molecules, much less molecules of undetermined origin, and even more much less to fool people into believing that such numbers of molecules are present in their blood.

4. CD4 counts are done in a way to validate and advance the Industry's agenda, although they could have been, and should be, developed to provide valuable health information for those whose immune systems are really deficient. A legitimate evaluation would include CD8 and the various CD4+ subtypes. It should be available to all, especially to those with clinical symptoms of immune system damage/ insufficiency/ impairment/  deficiency/ suppression/ depression/ failure. Complete blood cell counts are available to all people, but the existing defective, selective, and bogus CD4+ counts are given only to those who have previously tested positive with the useless antibody tests. It is time to focus on real science, to get answers and acquire more knowledge so that valid tests will be used appropriately and will be interpreted correctly to benefit those with immune deficiencies.


Having previously shown that HIV has not been proven to exist, much less cause AIDS or any other disease, it is hardly surprising to find that, despite claims to the contrary, there is also no valid test to diagnose an "HIV infection," and no valid test to evaluate the severity and/or progression and/or recession of the unproven "infection."


Copyright 2014     By Richard Jannaccio

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

29. CD4 Part 4 of 4: CD4 Research & Analysis

CD4 Part 4 of 4: CD4 Research & Analysis

Research & Analysis of CD4 and CD4 "Counts"


Blood cell counts have been recorded long before HIV/AIDS, under the assumption that if red blood cells (RBCs) were in the "normal" range, you were not suffering from anemia and your body's cells were getting enough oxygen. Likewise, "normal" amounts of various white blood cells (WBCs) meant that your immune system was healthy, and that you did not have leukemia, for example.

One of these white blood cells, T helper CD4+ Lymphocytes, or CD4 cells for short, is hypothesized to be infected and destroyed by "HIV," an alleged retrovirus. According to this theory, the destruction of CD4 cells causes Acquired Immune Deficieny Syndrome, AIDS. AIDS is seen as a drop in CD4 "count."

Furthermore, they say, if a person with HIV/AIDS is treated with Anti-RetroViral Drugs (ARVs), also called Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART), then the CD4 "count' will start to go back up, because the drugs are killing the virus that was killing the CD4 cells.

So the purpose of the CD4 count is to validate the HIV/AIDS theory and its corollaries. Therefore, it is conducted with that goal in mind, and there seems to be no concern for investigating and diagnosing what is really going on.


Let's do what most physicians are not doing. Let's look at the research.

The first link is to a report published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy entitled, "Non-HIV AIDS: nature and strategies for its management." It is reported that "a cluster of reports of severe opportunistic infections occurring in patients without evidence of HIV infection do not appear to represent a new disease entity or present evidence of epidemiologically associated cases suggesting an infectious agent." In other words, you can have a "cluster" of people developing opportunistic infections for a variety of reasons, and neither HIV nor ANY infectious agent is necessary or suspected. 

Remove the bias from the dogma, and the same could be said of those who test HIV-positive. People in a group, engaging in the same habits and/or exposed to the same environmental conditions can produce a "cluster" of immunodeficient individuals. Neither HIV nor any transmissible microbe is needed to achieve this. What this means is that we can have a situation where something looks to be contagious, that is, "transmissible," but people are not catching it from each other. They are getting it independently from the same source, such as eating the same junk food, breathing the same polluted air, or drinking the same contaminated water.

Also, research scientists reported that "a small group of asymptomatic subjects have been identified with constitutively low CD4 T cell populations which appear to have little or no clinical significance since these patients have no evidence of clinical immunodeficiency." In other words, they also found individuals who "normally" have low CD4 counts, but show NO evidence of immunodeficiency.

Therefore, based on this body of scientific research, the judgments that are being made based soley on the result of an antibody reaction with a protein of undetermined origin, are arguably NOT VALID.


Let's look at the next link, from the Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes:

In the very first sentence, we learn that when the CD4+ T cells ("helper cells") in HIV-positive people go down, the CD8+ T cells (killer cells) go ... up! Did anybody ever tell you that? 

There is a balance of different cell types comprising the immune system, but sometimes that balance shifts. Maybe it shifts because it needs more cells of one type and/or fewer of another in order to carry out a needed function, or maybe it shifts in response to some other underlying problem that needs to be addressed, such as an accumulation of byproducts. But, the medical profession assumes that the solution is to give drugs that will restore the "numbers." If the numbers look right, all is better... or is it?

As much as the CD4+ go down, the CD8+ go up, so if you add the two together, the numbers stay about the same. Of course, the physicians are not trained ro don't do that. It wouldn't suit the industry's purpose. Theiir purpose is to show the ravages of HIV and the miracle action of ARV/ART.

The scheme is to not let you see the whole picture, but only part of the picture, so that THEY can fill in the blanks. But if we more of the whole picture, no longer can we be fooled.

 "The basis and significance of this phenomenon are not known," the report states. This is where the research needs to be focused -- to get answers that will expand upon REAL research findings. 

The report ends by saying that a so-called "drop" in T cell count could result from a drop only in the number of cells occupying the blood; in fact, the cells may have been merely "redistributed," with fewer cells in the blood and more in the tissues. Of course, this finding would not work well with the story that cell counts are dropping because of that killer virus, HIV.

"The most plausible explanation for the conservation of total blood T-cell numbers while subset ratios change is that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells compete for a limited access to the blood compartment. Such interaction between the subsets implies, in particular, that changes in the number of CD4+ T cells occurring in other tissues cannot be reliably inferred from those observed in the blood. We reiterate propositions made earlier (4) that much of the apparent 'depletion' of CD4+ lymphocytes during the asymptomatic phase of HIV infection may be attributed to redistribution between the tissues and the blood compartment."


The remaining links have to do with the work of Dr. Heimrich Kremer of Germany. 

Dr. Heinrich Kremer: The CD4 subsets: Th1, Th2, etc.

More on the work of Dr. Kremer and others: Oxidative stress, "switching" or shift in Th1 to Th2, and more:

"The Cure for AIDS" based on the work of Dr. Heinrich Kremer:

More based on Kremer:

And the diagram - Kremer:

Dr. Kremer has proposed an alternative theory for the cause of "AIDS." He says AIDS is not caused by "HIV" or any other virus, but is the result of oxidative stress at the cellular level. When we talk about drugs and other toxic chemicals, malnutrition, and other known causes of immune system suppression, oxidative stress is a common denominator because all of these other causes have the effect of producing oxidative stress on the body. Antioxidants work to counter/relieve oxidative stress, but extreme oxidative stress can overwhelm their capacity to do so. This is a separate topic with some overlapping value in understanding what is really happening with CD4 cells when someone has acquired immune deficiency.

Kremer says that when the CD4+ count drops, it doesn't really drop. It's all about a shift between the subtypes. When your body is under oxidative stress, it doesn't want to produce more and add to the problem unless absolutely necessary. So it cuts back on its own metabolic functions that produce more oxidative stress and this includes the production of nitric oxide (NO). NO is produced by Th1 cells to kill viruses and other pathogens. Nevertheless, when your body is in oxidative stress, this important function is cut down. Th2 cells do not produce NO. So a shift occurs, whereby more Th2 and fewer Th1 cells are produced. The total CD4+ does not drop.

However, the calculated "CD4 count" goes down. Why? Because the CD4 count is based on CD4+ cells in the blood, and while Th1 cells circulate more in the blood, Th2 cells tend to stay mostly in the lymphatic tissues, according to Dr. Kremer. Therefore, they don't get "counted."

The apparent remedy would be to reduce oxidative stress so that the immune system can return to its optimal functioning state.

But in the world of the HIV dogma, that is not the solution. In that paradigm, toxins called Anti-RetroViral drugs are administered. 

Do these drugs work? The drugs have not cured anyone. But after taking them, the CD4+ "count" often goes up. That's a good thing, no?

Not according to Dr. Kremer. Dr. Kremer saya that the toxic drugs make things worse. They increase oxidative stress to an even more extreme level, at which point the Th2 cells are released from the lymphatic system into the blood.

This is not a sign of improved health, but rather a sign of deteriorating health. The CD4+ count procedures do not distinguish between Th1 and Th2 and therefore do not detect the difference. 

Instead you are given the "good news:" "Congratulations, your CD4 count is going up!"

What all of this means is that the CD4+ counting procedures are worse than useless. They are misleading. They could be improved to be more accurate and detect the Th1 and Th2 subtypes, as well as CD8+ cells, but that would not serve the interests of HIV/AIDS/ARV.

They want to show that the drugs are helping ... and then you die. 

A number of scientists agree with Dr. Kremer's Oxidative Stress Theory, which shows a common mechanism for most, if not all, of the many factors that are known to adversely affect the immune system, including many drugs and other toxic chemicals. The very drugs that are prescribed to treat the alleged "HIV infection" cause oxidative stress, and therefore, far from curing any immunodeficiency, further damage the immune system and can actually cause AIDS and/or other immune system diseases in otherwise healthy individuals.

The Oxidative Stress Theory is compelling, and, unlike the HIV theory, it is grounded in real science. More research is needed, and this is where more of the research money SHOULD go. 

Blood counts can be useful if done properly and interpreted properly. Unfortunately, it appears that neither is being done properly for people who test HIV+. Rather, these procedures and their interpretation appear to have been tailored to advance the HIV Theory, to terrorize people into swallowing poison, to fool people into believing that the poison is doing them well, and to confiscate billions in resources and millions in lives using what is perhaps the Deadliest Deception Ever Told. 


Low CD4 count, yet healthy:

The so-called "depletion" of CD4+ cells may actually be redistribution

Dr. Heinrich Kremer: The CD4 subsets: Th1, Th2, etc.

More on the work of Dr. Kremer and others: Oxidative stress, "switching" or shift in Th1 to Th2, and more:

"The Cure for AIDS" based on the work of Dr. Heinrich Kremer:

More based on Kremer:

And the diagram - Kremer:

Copyright 2014 by Richard Jannaccio


Friday, December 26, 2014

28. CD4 Part 3 of 4: CD4 Count Procedures

CD4 Part 3 of 4: CD4 Count Procedures

By Richard Jannaccio REVISED December 26, 2014 
Let's take a quick look at the "CD4 Count" procedures described by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

These procedures claim to count how many CD4+ T Lymphocytes ("CD4") are in one cubic millimeter of blood. This cell type, the so-called CD4 cells,  is claimed to be the target of so-called HIV.

It is claimed, but was never proven, that HIV infects and kills CD4 cells. In the US, a CD4 count below 200 is sufficient for a diagnosis of AIDS for someone who has tested HIV+. A diagnosis of AIDS is usually accompanied by a prescription for so-called "Anti-Retro-Viral ARV drugs.

CD4 counts are also used to draw conclusions about how well ARVs are working. Are those conclusions valid? We're going to find out shortly, but consider this:  If you gave me a count, I could not tell you if it came from someone who tested antibody positive or negative. However, the reaction by the medical profession is quite different. If you are so-called HIV+ and have a count below 400, they often recommend drugs. In the US, if the count is below 200, they diagnose the person as having AIDS --but only if the person is also tested "HIV+." In fact, even though people who test negative can have very low CD4+ counts, apparently it's not important. In fact, only those diagnosed as HIV+ are even subjected to the CD4+ count procedures. Double standard? You bet. Scientific? Not.

The goal here is to look at the procedure, and see what is happening. Then we'll look at the research.

Please open the links provided and read them along with what is written here.

A. "TriCount Method" for counting CD4 cells -- the U.S. Centers For Disease Control (CDC)


We see that they end up with a "count" [except that it is not a count] of number of CD4 cells per cubic mm (aka CD4+ T helper cells or CD4+ T lymphocytes).

Note that this is as far as they go. They easily could develop a test to measure the subtypes of CD4+ T cells  -- but they don't. Remember those subtypes from the previous post? Th1, Th2, Th17, etc. Let's go back and look at the diagram:

This test does not count these subtypes. Neither do the procedures described by WHO. Is it important? The research that we will look at later suggests that it is very important to know the counts of the subtypes, and we will learn why. Not knowing them may lead to false conclusions, including false conclusions about exactly how the ARVs are affecting the CD4+ counts, according to research that we will examine later.

For now,  just note what's happening here with this procedure. No Th1, no Th2 -- no subtypes of CD4+ T helper cells. And counts that are not counts and that may be highly inaccurate.

Reading this also provides a glimpse of the setting in which this magic counting is taking place. Flipping through the pages, you can see that this is an elaborate procedure requiring sophisticated lab instruments and lab personnel with high technical skills. At the same time the people doing this have to take all kinds of safety precautions because they are warned to be afraid of catching AIDS or other diseases from handling human blood. Those are their working conditions. Can you imagine the results that may emerge under such conditions?

We are not lab techs, but I posted this so we can get a feel for what's going on, and focus on the important points.

Can you imagine the stress of doing this kind of work day after day? Safety, precise measurements, everything has to be done with the greatest care. Handling blood, numerous reagents, laboratory instruments, etc. This is stressful work. So you have to hope you get someone who is well qualified, super conscientious and focused, and not having a bad day. This is the lab technician's work, day after day. It is more challenging than other lab tech work. We should believe that these are super human beings. But they're not, and so we shouldn't.

On pages 7 - 8 we see that the CD4+ T cells are not really "counted." They are "calculated" to give an "estimate." An instrument is used, along with chemicals that absorb and emit light, and the percentage of cells that is CD4+ is calculated. From that an absolute number of cells is calculated.

On page 8, look at: "8. Reportable Range." Here they tell you about other cell types, which we've seen in the last posting, and how they are distinguished, and that's the last we hear of them. But there is no mention of the subtypes of CD4+, which are the cells of interest. Why bother with these other cells and not nail down the breakdown of specific subtypes of the CD4?

Let's keep reading. Look at all the steps -- and all the things that can go wrong. Flipping to p. 9 we see troubleshooting tips.

Finally, if everything goes right, we have a CD4+ "count" (that is actually a calculated estimate) and that is a lump sum of all of the subtypes. We don't know the breakdown.

This is as good as it gets. When we look at the WHO procedures, we'll see even more problems.

The thing is, when your doctor orders this test, does he or she tell you what procedure is used or how this is actually done? If you have had this test, start asking questions. Which procedure was used to test your blood? Can you get a tour of the lab? Can you meet the team who tested your blood? Why not? This is just as important as meeting your doctor. Why? Because their results can affect your life.

As we will see, a CD4 "count" easily could be very inaccurate, that is, "way off." It's not the lab tech's fault. So many things can go wrong, and they have a lot of work to do. This is only one of many procedures. The choice of procedures can be a major factor as well, in determining what the CD4 "count" is and how accurate it is.

Even if you are lucky enough to get an "accurate" CD4+ estimate, will it be properly interpreted? Or will conclusions be drawn that are wrong?

Regardless, we will not get the "counts" for the CD4+ subtypes with any of the procedures described by the CDC or the WHO. That is a very serious shortcoming of all of these procedures.

B . "Laboratory Guidelines for enumerating CD4 T Lymphocytes in the context of HIV/AIDS" --World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a 68-page guide entitled "Laboratory Guidelines for enumerating CD4 T Lymphocytes in the context of HIV/AIDS."

The title alone should raise a red flag. Why does counting CD4 T Lymphocytes need to be considered "in the context of HIV/AIDS?" "HIV/AIDS" should not be a factor in "counting" T cells.

But we know that it is! Because, to the medical profession working for the HIV/AIDS Industry, a low CD4 count means nothing unless you tested HIV+. If you are HIV-, your CD4+ count is so un-important that it is not even measured! Imagine that.

The publication lists many different methods or "counting" CD4 cells, from microscope examination to various methods using flow cytometry technology, like the one described by the CDC. Again, we are talking about calculated estimates, not counts, and they can be way off because small errors get multiplied and therefore magnified.

They also include HIV/AIDS/ARV info that has nothing to do with the CD4 "counting" procedures, per se, but have to do with interpretation in the context of HIV/AIDS. For example, on page 14, this statement appears: "In response to successful ART, the CD4 T lymphocyte count typically increases by >50 cells/µL within weeks after viral suppression, and then increases 50-100 cells/µL per year thereafter until a threshold is reached. In some patients, CD4 T lymphocyte counts may not increase as quickly or as steadily, even with durable viral load suppression. "

In other words, even when what they call "viral load" drops and stays low, the CD4s do not always go up. Maybe the viral load isn't a viral load? Maybe the "virus" is not the culprit after all? There could be many reasons, and they don't offer any, but never once do they consider that their premise could be false. Maybe HIV has nothing to do with what they're looking at. We'll be analyzing all of this shortly.

WHO lists a number of methods and "alternate methods" for "counting" CD4 cells, and the pros and cons of each. Some methods, like counting under a microscope, actually do involve counting cells. But too few cells are counted and then the number counted is multiplied to get the estimated result. That's how a small error gets multiplied into a big error.

With flow cytometry, antibodies with fluorescent tags are reacted with blood cells and attach to the CD4 protein. The fluorescence from the attached tagged antibodies is measured, and, after a series of calculations laden with assumptions that may or may not be accurate, a "count" results. It is in reality a very rough "estimate" (NOT a "count") that may well be based on false assumptions and is almost impossible to duplicate if you take the same sample of blood and run it again in the same lab! Do the procedure in another lab, and the estimate will likely be even more different. Use a different procedure in a different lab, and ... well, you get the picture.

To appreciate how arbitrary and imprecise the whole "CD4 count" testing system is, take a look at page 32, which tells you  what standards to use in selecting the right method:

"4.3 Selections of methodology for CD4 T lymphocytes count estimation. For efficient and optimum reporting of CD4 counts, the proper selection of the methodology is essential (Table 4.1).
The choice of the assay should depend on:
Purpose of the assay (whether it is being used for monitoring or for research

 p. 33 The age group of the patients (whether adult or pediatric: to indicate whether CD4 percentages or absolute counts are required)
Sample turnover (no. of samples to be tested/day)
Availability of stabilized electric power supply and space
Location of testing (whether rural or urban and whether at primary health centre, district or central referral centre)
Availability of technically skilled personnel as required (the current methods require varying degrees of technical skills)
Availability of technical support and equipment (regular maintenance is necessary)
COST: The cost should include instrument and reagent cost as well as hidden cost of labour (often less expensive), disposables (if available often more expensive), shipping costs, infrastructure, repeat assay run and instrument repair
The time within which the assay can be performed from the time of blood collection.

Technologies that have not been adequately validated should not be purchased."

What else could go wrong?

The staff "should be" qualified, well trained and have continuing education.

The accuracy of CD4 testing results depends on the quality of the blood sample submitted to the laboratory.

" ..the laboratory director or manager should review the results of testing before reporting the results."

"To obtain an accurate and precise enumeration of absolute CD4+ T cells, an accurate measurement of blood is required."

What does this imply?

If the procedures are repeated in the same lab, different labs and using different procedures as well, if the results are close, then and only then should you be confident that the "counts" are accurate.

But even if you do all of that, you still don't have the CD4 T Lymphocyte sub types (Th1, Th2, etc.) AND you still don't have a medical profession that will correctly interpret the results. Most of them are unaware of the research, and that's what we'll be looking at next.
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Monday, December 22, 2014

27. The Human Immune System -- Part 2 of 4: Basic Human Cellular Immunology (including CD4)

The Human Immune System and CD4 Counts

CD4 Part 2 of 4: Basic Human Immunology

By Richard Jannaccio on Thursday, July 31, 2014

OK, so having looked at the human anatomy associated with the immune system, let's take a look at the many types of cells that actually are involved in protecting the body, which is what the immune system is all about.

When you open the links here, you will see graphics which are meant to be viewed as you read along, so when a cell type is mentioned, look for it in the schematic diagram.

There are many different types and subtypes of specialized cells that use different processes to incapacitate disease causing microbes and other foreign substances.

We're going to take a look at the big picture and then zoom in on CD4 T Lymphocytes, the cells that we are told are killed by the so-called HIV, the cells that they claim to be counting when they arrive at "CD4 counts."


Looking at the first graphic (overview), top right, there's a cell labeled "early lymphoid progenitor." This cell can develop into any kind of blood cell, depending on what it encounters to influence its development. It is also called a stem cell. It originates in bone marrow.

This stem cell can give rise to 2 different progenitor cells which will follow two different roads to two very different immune-function destinations.

The one labeled "Granulocyte/Macrophage Progenitor" can go on to divide and become one of many different types of cells comprising what's called the "innate immune system."

Some stem cells take the alternate route and become a "Common Lymphoid Progenitor." These can also go on to become a variety of different cells, but these cells function in what's called the "adaptive immune system."

What's the difference? As the name implies, "innate" is something that stays the way it is. "Adaptive" changes to respond to a specific challenge. The general cell types associated with both the innate and adaptive components of the immune system are shown in the second graphic.

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The cells of the "innate" immune system are always on a "seek and destroy" mission and are ready to attack whenever they encounter what they consider to be junk. If they succeed, the bacteria, virus, etc. never get to first base and are promptly killed.

The "Adaptive" immune system is the component that makes specialized "antibodies" to bind to foreign "antigens." If the innate immune cells don't get the job done, the adaptive immune system prepares itself for battle, and that can take a week or more.The adaptive immune system consists of 2 main types: B cells and T cells. B cells release free antibodies into the blood. T cells carry antibodies on their surfaces.

OK, back to the first graphic. 

As you go down, from top to bottom, you see an increasing variety of different, specialized and customized cell types being produced.

The one that is labeled "Lymphoid Progenitor" will be influenced by the thymus gland to eventually become what is labeled "Double Positive." This goes on to produce 3 possible cell types NK (Natural Killer) T Cell, Cytotoxic CD8, or Helper (CD4+).

Helper (CD4+) is what the AIDS industry calls "CD4" and this is the cell that they claim is "counted" in the "CD4 Count" and, according to the dogma, is the type of immune cell that is targeted and killed by the so-called HIV.

The name CD4 comes from the CD4 glycoprotein on the surface of these cells. As we will see in the next segment, the presence of this protein is detected by labeled antibodies and that's how these cells are most often (indirectly) "counted" or estimated by lab instruments and computer software.

BUT, as you can see, this is not the end of the story. The graphic shows six subtypes of the Helper CD4+ cell. They are labeled Th1, Th2, Th3, Th17, Tfh, and iTreg. In a blood sample taken for a CD4 count, Th1 is usually most prevalent.

However, the CD4 counts do not distinguish these types. The counts combine all CD4 cells and do not tell you the percentage of each cell type.  And that may be a problem, as we'll see later when we look at the research. 

For now, just remember that there are six different subsets of what they are calling CD4 cells, and yet the test just gives you a single-number count. This is a little bit like being told your cholesterol level without being told the ratio of good cholesterol vs. bad cholesterol -- only much worse. The information is incomplete. Incomplete information easily leads to misinterpretation.

There's another problem. Look at the cells that resulted from following the road on the left, producing cells of the innate immune system. Three of them indicate "CD4," and although it is not labeled here, part of the ancestral line of these cells, namely Monocyte, Macrophage, and Dendritic Cell, all have CD4 on their surfaces. While some of these, such as Macrophages, can migrate from the bloodstream, Monocytes comprise 2 - 8% of total White Blood Cells (WBCs).

As we will see, there are many procedures for counting the T helper CD4+ cells, and most procedures (not all) count all cells that contain CD4 apparently without accounting for these other cells in the blood that also contain CD4. These differences in procedures can yield very different results.

We will also see that there are many opportunities for "counts" to be inaccurate. By the way, that's another misnomer. There are no "counts." There are "Estimates" that are inaccurately called "counts." As we will see, these estimates can be, so to speak, out of the ballpark.

In the next installment, we will see that the so-called "CD4 counts" can easily be very inaccurate, and whether accurate or not, the conclusions drawn, your so-called "CD4 count," can be quite invalid. Details to follow.

This lesson on the cells of the immune system was to provide basic knowledge so you can understand what the CD4 count really is claiming to "count", and what the scientific research has to say about it. That's all coming up next.

There are, of course, entire textbooks and lots of research on the human immune system, for those who are interested.
Some more advanced and detailed info (optional reading beyond what is needed for this discussion) is provided here.

Copyright 2014 by Richard Jannaccio