Saturday, November 1, 2014

04. How did AIDS originate? How did HIV originate? What Is The Historical Context That Resulted In The HIV Theory?

Although the medical research community had been aware of a severe acquired immunodeficiency condition affecting a small number of gay men in New York City, Los Angeles and San Francisco, the mass news media did not report on this until 1981. The name "AIDS" did not exist then. This condition was called GRID, which stood for Gay Related Immune Deficiency. New York City would become the epicenter of this new "epidemic."

GRID, later to be renamed AIDS, was described as a condition which had symptoms similar to those seen in people taking immunosuppressive drugs, such as organ transplant recipients. Those afflicted seemed to develop Kaposi's sarcoma or pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), which was called an "opportunistic infection" because a severely damaged immune system provided the only opportunity for an infection to establish itself. PCP was later renamed  pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, which is what it is called today. This infectious disease was renamed because the wrong microbe had been blamed for causing the infection.

The question for researchers was, "What is the cause of this devastating immune system failure in these gay men who lived in the largest cities in the U.S.A.?"

Those afflicted were described as having a very unhealthy "fast track" lifestyle. They partied through the night, had sex with many casual partners, were sleep deprived, took drugs to stay awake, used amyl nitrate or butyl nitrate (poppers) as sex stimulants, and frequently and routinely used antibiotics to treat STDs and/or prophylactically. Each of these destructive habits can harm the immune system. The use of poppers was linked to Kaposi's sarcoma in research reports. Nevertheless, while initially reporting these many possible causes, the mass media from the onset threw a unidentified virus into the mix of possibilities and reported that the scientific community suspected a viral cause. There was no indication of a viral cause at the time. The "scientific consensus" seemed to have been produced by a few individuals. Of all the factors previously mentioned, the spotlight was on sex and a waiting-to-be-discovered virus, while all of the other factors faded from the picture.

How did HIV originate?

 Luc Montagnier (1983, France) and Robert Gallo (1984, US) reported separately that they detected a chemical reaction and concluded that must indicate the presence of a retrovirus. However, the RNA-->DNA reaction, catalyzed by reverse transcriptase, is not unique and occurs without any retrovirus, or any virus, for that matter. They also found proteins and RNA and concluded that, that too, must be fragments of a new retrovirus, although both are found without any virus. 

But that is all they found. When Luc Montagnier tried to purify the virus, there was no virus seen. The procedure involves separating the virus from other biological material and examining the isolate under the transmission electron microscope. It seems he gave up and no one else has even admitted trying to do this, and that is truly amazing after 30 years. So, the claim that HIV exists remains unproven, and, after all this time, increasingly suspect. 

The starting material was a specimen from a swollen gland of a patient in France assumed but never proven to have AIDS. But nothing in that specimen was ever proven to be transmissible or to cause any disease. 

The assertion that HIV causes AIDS was a public relations achievement, not a scientific discovery.

Given this, why would anyone believe that AIDS is caused by a known virus or an unknown virus? Once you know the history of what actually occurred, you will know that HIV was never discovered. 

It wasn't even invented. 

It was concocted. 

Summary: The Dirty Dozen Hidden Truths About HIV
1. Has "HIV" been proven to exist?  No.
2. Has "HIV" been proven to be transmissible by ANY means? No.
3. Has "HIV" been proven to be infectious? No.
4. Has "HIV" been proven to be in anyone's blood? No.
5. Has "HIV" been proven to be in anyone's body? No.
6. Has "HIV" been proven to be hiding in anyone's body? No.
7. Has "HIV" been proven to infect human CD4 cells, other humanT cells, or any type of cells of any species? No.
8. Has "HIV" been proven to cause AIDS? No.
9. Has "HIV" been proven to be a co-factor in causing AIDS? No.
10. Has "HIV" been proven to cause any illness, disease, or syndrome? No.
11. Has "HIV" been proven to be responsible for a single death? No.
12. Has "HIV" been proven to be what its name claims it to be, "Human Immunodeficiency Virus?" No.

This Documentary, "HIV and AIDS: What's Reality Or Fantasy!," provides a good historical overview of how and why HIV was invented. It is about 20 years old and is based on Peter Duesberg's acceptance of HIV existence, but also his conclusion that the virus does not cause AIDS.

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